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The Odyssey Online

GB at University of Kentucky

August 16, 2016

Global Brigades started as a medical relief organization for impoverished communities abroad but has now grown to include eight other types of brigades; including Public Health, Dental, and Engineering. Global Brigades is a secular non-profit organization that relies on student and professional volunteers to promote a holistic method when providing aid. The holistic method educates and empowers the members of the community to continue the work that Global Brigades began when the student-led brigades have left the country. Using this method allows the aid the volunteers bring to have a lasting impact!

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WKU students’ experience in Nicaragua - “Students save lives with Global Brigades”

September 16, 2016

The WKU students spent over a week in Nicaragua. One of those students was Sam Fugate, who is the current co-president of the chapter. He said they worked for three days with the Medical Brigades at a mobile medical clinic, two days with the Public Health Brigades program building sanitation stations and one day with the Water Brigades program which focused on digging trenches to provide clean drinking water.

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