In the News

Marquette Wire

MU Grad, Dr. Vora, The CEO of Global Brigades, Returns to Campus for Mission Week Feb. 8th


Many university students jump at the idea to study abroad, a way to travel independently and to experience an unfamiliar world. Marquette Alum, co-founder and CEO of Global Brigades, Shital Vora, had a desire for the study abroad experience. Yet, she felt she would never be able to satisfy this want due to the vigorous academic schedule she held as an undergraduate student in the Physical Therapy program.

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Global health group with Marquette roots still has students going on international service trips. They're just doing them virtually now.


But when the COVID-19 pandemic derailed any hope of such student trips, Global Brigades decided to offer a virtual “telebrigade,” while Global Brigades employees — who live in the communities where the students volunteer — kept the work going on the ground.

Through their computers, students read vitals and worked on case studies with doctors, brainstormed with technicians about how to bring drinkable water to rural villages, and proposed business strategies for entrepreneurs and small business owners from thousands of miles away.

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Borgen Magazine

Global Brigades: Improving Healthcare Access in Panama


Panama is located on the isthmus connecting North and South America, with the Panama Canal serving as a primary source of economic prosperity. In recent years, the nation has experienced an average annual GDP growth of 4.6%, and a decline in the national poverty rate of 1.6%. Healthcare access, however, is a principal issue among inhabitants, particularly among rural and Indigenous communities. The nonprofit organization Global Brigades is working to address this issue by tackling health and economic inequalities. In an interview with The Borgen Project, participant Daphne Binto of Boston College’s Global Brigades in Panama explained the dire circumstances of healthcare access in the indigenous village of Ipeti Guna. Lack of infrastructure, medical resources and wellness knowledge lead to high percentages of preventable illnesses among these communities in particular. Global Brigades in Panama partners with 108 communities and 86,000 individuals in order to employ comprehensive, community-focused strategies that provide essential medical and economic services.

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The Daily Free Press

International professor’s guest lecture talks sustainability abroad


Sustainability and international activism are more relevant than ever in the 21st century, yet the impact of voluntourism — international volunteering — is less discussed. Global Engineering Brigades at Boston University, a student organization that works to install water systems in the majority world, hosted a Zoom event Nov. 15 to address this topic.

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How students are building community at UVic during a pandemic


From social events to international volunteer opportunities, they have typically formed the backbone of campus life as we knew it. Now, they are radically shifting their approach to connecting and building campus communities.

The Martlet spoke to UVic Global Brigades, Students for Literacy, HUB (The history department’s course union) and the Engineering Student Society about their plans for the upcoming semester.

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Atlanta Jewish Times

Contact Tracing COVID-19


Leanna Ehrlich came to Emory University to get a Master of Public Health degree in the global health department. Her focus was on chronic disease related to diet and physical activity, and she planned to complete summer requirements for the degree in her field. Ehrlich had worked in other public health venues, which included a year in Nicaragua for Global Brigades, a nonprofit health and sustainable development organization, followed by four years at a Boston public health research and consulting company, all focusing on chronic disease. “I had very little interest or experience in infectious disease,” she noted.

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DePaul Blue Demons

Men's Tennis Wins ITA Community Service Award


CHICAGO – For the third time in the last four years, the DePaul men’s tennis team has been honored with the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) Midwest Regional Community Service and Outreach Award.

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6 Caring Organizations Working In Central And South America


Due in large part to centuries of colonialism and geopolitical conflict, the countries of Central and South America continue to face a number of pressing social challenges. Thankfully, organizations such as the ones included here are dedicated to honoring and empowering the many communities that make up these regions. They offer educational programs, health initiatives, and an array of resources to improve the lives of those most vulnerable.

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The Albion Pleiad

Albion Women “STEM” from Greatness: The Future


For centuries, women have fought for equality between the sexes. Inequality between women and men lurks in the shadows in seemingly small to egregiously large ways. From blue and pink baby shower themes to disparities in jobs, inequality exists in all aspects of society. Although society in the United States has made efforts to flatten the curve of inequality between the sexes, women today are still advocating for their rights in numerous ways.

At Albion, students have the opportunity to apply to the Student Research Partnership (SRP) program, FURSCA, Center for Sustainability and the Environment (CSE), Global Medical Brigades, Delta Sigma Pi, geology Club, astronomy club, engineering club and many more clubs. Undergraduate students can also apply to Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), AMGEN scholars program, SURF programs and other STEM opportunities.

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Prankl Consulting


Eine Toilette und sauberes Wasser: Für uns ist das eine Selbstverständlichkeit, doch für viele andere Menschen nur schwer erreichbar. Global Brigades hat das in zwei Ghanaischen Dörfern in geändert – Prankl Consulting hat sie dabei unterstützt.

A toilet and clean water: this is a matter of course for us, but difficult to reach for many other people. Global Brigades has changed that in two Ghanaian villages – Prankl Consulting supported them.


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