• 74 community partners
  • Working with more than 97,000 Community Members
  • 9.08% of rural population without access to basic or safely managed drinking water sources
  • 44.50% of rural population without access to basic or safely managed sanitation facilities
  • Less than 3 Physicians per 10,000 people
  • Common sources of income include agriculture, fishing, day labouring, and weaving

Our Work in Guatemala


Patient Consultations


Volunteer safety will always be our absolute top priority. We recently engaged Askari International Security, an industry leader in international risk assessment, to complete a comprehensive risk/safety assessment of all brigade operations. A full explanation of safety precautions and procedures can be found on our “Safety & Insurance” page.

Volunteer Safety Highlights in Guatemala

  • We are in contact with OSAC (the Overseas Security Advisory Committee) to receive up-to-date security and safety briefings from the U.S. State Department;
  • Established relationships with local community authorities to gain trust and access into communities;
  • Established relationships with local police in the Tecpan Region to provide monitoring of volunteer activity in country;
  • Full-time local Global Brigades medical personnel on-call at all times.