• 99 Community Partners
  • Working with more than 751,000 Community Members
  • 28.10% of rural population without access to basic or safely managed drinking water source
  • 83% of rural population without access to basic or safely managed sanitation facilities
  • 1.06 Physicians per 10,000 people
  • Common sources of income include agriculture, fishing, charcoal trading and driving

Our Work in Ghana

Programs Currently Implemented



Invested in Community Owned Banks & Businesses


People with Access to Clean Water


Families Benefited with Public Health Projects

Highlighted Projects

Community Banks

Termed as Community Development Funds (CDFs) in Ghana, these community banks established through Global Brigades provide families and small businesses in the community with access to savings accounts, small loans and financial literacy.

Community Health Volunteers

To support the work of our chronic medical screening clinics, Global Brigades Ghana also deploys trained Community Health Volunteers into communities to monitor community members’ health and provide basic services. If a Community Health Volunteer identifies a patient who needs treatment, he or she refers the patient to an Ekumfi Health Directorate community health post.

Clean Water

Our clean water efforts originally started with school and household rainwater harvesters and has since grown to a partnership with the Ghana Water Company to provide year-round water access. Global Brigades Ghana supported the construction of a water treatment plant to serve Ekumfi District. The now-completed plant holds 2.6 million gallons of water per day, with the potential to serve 183,000 people.


World Impact Foundation granted $8,000 to build a school with two classrooms and one combined library and meeting space for teachers. In turn, Global Brigades Ghana acquired the building materials and worked closely with the Adansimaim community to ensure they were fully committed to the project. In December 2016, Adansimaim completed its school. The Adansimaim Basic School will now serve children in the community ages 4-10.


Volunteer safety will always be our absolute top priority. We recently engaged Askari International Security, an industry leader in international risk assessment, to complete a comprehensive risk/safety assessment of all brigade operations. A full explanation of safety precautions and procedures can be found on our “Safety & Insurance” page.

Volunteer Safety in Ghana

  • We are an active member of OSAC (the Overseas Security Advisory Committee) and the Africa Regional Council (ARC) and receives up-to-date security and safety briefings from the U.S. State Department;
  • Established relationship with local police in the Central Region to provide monitoring of volunteer activity on brigades;
  • Full-time local Global Brigades medical personnel on-call at all times;
  • Adherence to the IVPA standards of international volunteering.