Sabana Redonda

  • Overview
  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Engineering
  • Water
  • Business
  • Public Health


Sabana Redonda is located within the municipality of Potrerillos in the department of El Paraiso in the central region of Honduras. The typical house is made of Adobe and or cement blocks. Children in the community have access to Centro Basico up to 9th grade. The community currently has a water system but it is in need of repair and not able to provided sufficient water to all of the community. Most of the community members work in agriculture and as day laborers. The top needs expressed by Sabana Redonda‘s inhabitants during their initial communications with Global Brigades are medical care, reliable water and water filters.

Municipality: Potrerillos
Department: El Paraiso

Homes : 150
Population : 900
Water System : Yes
Community Bank : Yes
Electricity : Yes
Health Center : No
Community Health Workers : No
Homes with Latrines : 95%
Education : Up to 9th Grade
Distance from Lodging Facility : 30km


Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete


The Honduran government provides two different types of health centers throughout rural Honduras: Centros de Salud Médico Odontológico (CESAMOs) and Centros de Salud Rural (CESARs). CESAMOs are the larger of the two, often found in municipalities, and typically have at least one physician on staff at all times with nurses and potentially a dentist. CESARs are found sporadically in rural communities and generally have a single nurse available. Even with this coverage, it is important to note that medications, supplies, and materials are often not available in these health centers and the physician density in Honduras remains around 1,220 people for every one doctor. According to the World Health Organization, there should be a maximum of 435 people per physician to qualify a country as having adequate access to medical attention.

Sabana Redonda is fortunate to have a nearby health centre. In the community of Las Crucitas, roughly 4km away, there is a CESAMO. Despite this, the health health rarely if ever has the necessary medications available for the public. The most common health issues faced by the children of Sabana Redonda are respiratory diseases and diarrhoea, while most adults suffer from diabetes, hypertension and thyroid issues.




Patient Consulations


Vision Screenings Provided


Health Education Workshops


The community of Sabana Redonda does not yet have Community Health Workers. Global Brigades Honduras’ Medical Program is working diligently to train volunteers as CHWs in its partner communities as part of the Holistic Model. Sabana Redonda will receive training as soon as possible to further support the health of its community members.

Community Health Workers, or Guardianes de Salud, work on a volunteer basis as advocates for health care within their communities. While this is an existing program in Honduras and Guardianes de Salud is identified by other organizations and some health centres, Global Brigades is able to bridge gaps in access to training and provide more comprehensive technical skills. Our CHWs are some of the very few Guardianes de Salud to receive certification from the Honduran government. Our CHWs are tasked with treating and preventing common illnesses, and some of their responsibilities include first aid, supporting and caring for pregnancies and newborns, and responding to emergency situations. They are also responsible for following up with chronic patients to ensure proper administration of medications and treatments to avoid further complications. Additionally, CHWs provide support for brigades that are hosted in their area. At the completion of their training, CHWs are equipped with basic medical supplies and equipment provided by Global Brigades and its partners. The presence of these volunteers and their advocacy for health within their community contributes to the sustainability of health care supported by Global Brigades’ Medical Program and is one of the most impactful disease prevention strategies in rural communities across the globe.


Community members of Sabana Redonda attend Medical and Dental Brigade clinics hosted in Sabana Redonda‘s school building. The various stations of the clinic are held in the school’s 10 classrooms. Doctors are able to spend an average of 6 minutes with each patient. In addition, each day of the brigade, educational charlas are facilitated with the clinic’s patients.

NEARBY COMMUNITIES: Limocillo, Crucitas, Delicias


Chapter Date # Of Volunteers Chapter Date # Of Volunteers
Montclair State University Medical Brigade January 2012 22 Florida Atlantic University Medical Brigade & Cardinal Stritch University Medical Brigade May 2012 29
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Medical Brigade March 2013 47 University of Southern California Medical Brigade January 2014 26
CEGEP Marianopolis Medical Brigade May 2019 27 College of William and Mary Medical Brigade March 2020 15
University of Tennessee Medical Brigade January 2023 24 Kent and Medway Medical School August 2023 21


Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete


Working closely with the Medical Program, the Dental Program provides fillings, extractions, and fluoride treatments as a standard part of Medical Brigades. Most community members do not have regular access to dental care due to the lack of a dentist within a reasonable distance.


Patient Consultations




Fillings Performed


Dental Education Workshop


Community members of Sabana Redonda attend Medical and Dental Brigade clinics hosted in Sabana Redonda‘s school building. The various stations of the clinic are held in the school’s 10 classrooms. Doctors are able to spend an average of 6 minutes with each patient. In addition, each day of the brigade, educational charlas are facilitated with the clinic’s patients.

NEARBY COMMUNITIES: Limocillo, Crucitas, Delicias


Chapter Date # Of Volunteers Chapter Date # Of Volunteers
Montclair State University Medical Brigade January 2012 22 Florida Atlantic University Medical Brigade & Cardinal Stritch University Medical Brigade May 2012 29
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Medical Brigade March 2013 47 University of Southern California Medical Brigade January 2014 26
CEGEP Marianopolis Medical Brigade May 2019 27 College of William and Mary Medical Brigade March 2020 15
University of Tennessee Medical Brigade January 2023 24 Kent and Medway Medical School August 2023 21


Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete

Global Brigades is working on the implementation of the Holistic Model in Sabana Redonda but has not yet begun with the Engineering Program. Now in the planning phase, a reliable source of clean water will be identified as soon as feasible, followed by the design of a water solution sufficient to meet the community’s needs for the next 20 years with projected population growth.

Water System : Yes
Type of System : Ground Water with Pump
Homes with Access to Water : 86%
Water Council : Yes


Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete

Global Brigades is working on the implementation of the Holistic Model in Sabana Redonda but has not yet begun with the Water Program. Now in the planning phase, the Water Program will begin implementing a new water system or any necessary repairs to existing infrastructure following the Engineering Program’s evaluation and recommendations.

Water System : Yes
Type of System : Ground Water and Pump
Homes with Access to Water : 86%
Water Council : Yes


Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete

Global Brigades is working on the implementation of the Holistic Model in Sabana Redonda but has not yet begun with the Business Program. Now in the planning phase, a community bank will be established as soon as feasible.

Community Bank : No
Community Bank Members : N/A
Economic Activities : Agriculture
Existing Microenterprises : Kiosk

Public Health

Program Status

  • Planning
  • Active
  • Complete


Many community members in Sabana Redonda lack the resources needed to improve their homes and prevent disease caused by unsafe living environments.  Some of the most common illnesses in Sabana Redonda are respiratory diseases, caused by indoor air pollution. One of the other top health concerns was the lack of importance placed on drinking treated water. Despite the complete water system, no one was centrally chlorinating the water, and families did not treat the water in their homes either.




People Benefitted with Public Health Infrastructure


Most members of Sabana Redonda usually cannot afford to buy their own latrines or Eco-Stoves. However, the Public Health team was able to eco-stoves, and water filters with a loan so that each household could make the long-term investment. To ensure the sustainability of the in-home infrastructure projects, the Public Health Program provides follow-up in the community to monitor the longevity of the projects. Public Health Brigaders and Global Brigades Staff also trained community members on topics in hygiene and sanitation such as the importance of treating all drinking water.


Chapter Date # Of Volunteers Chapter Date # Of Volunteers
University of Virginia Medical Brigade & Vanderbilt University Medical Brigade March 2017 32

Local Reference Points

View the map to see the closest volunteer lodging facilities, hospitals, and other relevant points of reference.

  • Feature