El Cantón is a community located in the mountains near the municipality of Teupasenti in El Paraíso. With the help of Architecture Brigades, El Cantón now has a CESAR health center located in the center of the community. CESAR’s typically are staffed by nurses and not have doctors on staff; however, El Cantón currently has a doctor completing her social service staffing the health center. The health center is open from about 7am to 3pm. When there is only a nurse available and a community member needs to see a doctor or dentist, they must travel the CESAMO in Teupasenti. A CESAMO is a larger scale health center where at least one doctor, nurses, and occasionally dentists are on staff. The trip can take up to 3 hours on foot. Although there is a bus that comes to the community, it does not come very often and costs money that many community members do not have.