Cuatro Esquinas is a community located in the municipality of San Rafael del Norte in the mountainous region of Jinotega. They have a local health center located in 1.5 kilometers and is periodically staffed with nurses by the Ministry of Health. The local health center has medications supplied occasionally. There is no access to private pharmacies.
Based on Global Brigades Rapid Needs Assessment the top three illnesses in children are: diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, and fevers. For adults, common illnesses are chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and hypertension, as well as diarrheal diseases, and body pain. Without access to trained health care professionals and medications, chronic diseases can go unmanaged, leading to further health problems. Acute illnesses can also be severe and affect the quality of life.
*These statistics represent brigades in the community of Los Encuentros de San Gabriel, where community members from Cuatro Esquinas attend Medical Brigades.