Resolving Health and Economic Disparities

Global Brigades is an international non-profit that uniquely implements a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably transitioning to a relationship of impact monitoring.

Explore Our Programs:


Our Mission

Inspiremobilize, and collaborate with communities to achieve their own health and economic goals.

Our Vision

Millions of empowered community members with the resources and capacity to thrive.

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What makes Global Brigades' program different than others?


Funded Through Student Movement

Global Brigades funds all of its programs, leadership development and administrative costs through the fundraising efforts of more than 500 Global Brigades University Chapters around the world. This grass-roots fundraising effort gives us the autonomy to develop programs to the needs of communities, rather than the whims of a few large donors.


Community-Led Sustainability

All of our projects include community member involvement, formation of committees and long term funding streams for future sustainability. We believe that the empowerment of local leaders is the only way that programs will continue to be maintained and grow once Global Brigades transitions its partnership with a community to follow-up.


Full-Time Local Teams

Global Brigades employs more than 100 full-time local staff members and over 300 temporary local staff members year-round. Our local staff members are the driving force behind program development, brigade coordination, community follow-up and impact measurement. We believe that programs should be locally led.


Government Collaboration

We believe in working with local governments instead of against or in replacement of. Our projects could not be possible without the support of local governments. The local governments are involved with each of our projects in varying degrees such as offering support in funding, transportation of supplies, equipment, and/or vocalizing support.

University Map: