Business Overview

Seeing a market opportunity and to save their fellow community members time and money to obtain basic baked goods, the community of Ekumfi Ebuakwa established a bakery business in May 2014.

Bakery - Ekumfi Ebuakwa, Ghana

Economic Challenge

In general, baked goods are hard to come by in the Ekumfi district. Community members had to go either to Mankessim (45 mins away for 8 GHS) or to Kasoa (90 mins away from 12 GHS), which is far and expensive for a simple trip to get some bread. The community of Ekumfi Ebuakwa had some individuals that were already semi-skilled in baking and saw an opportunity to produce bread in the community.

Business Solution

The Business

The community members came together to establish the bakery in May 2014. The bakery has three basic departments – production, distribution and finances. The production team handles all aspects of the production process managed by trained bakers in the community. The community shopkeepers’ act as distributors and the bakery manager in addition to operations handles the finances. The community gave up a portion of community land for the project and put in all the necessary labor, sand and water needed to build the structure to house the bakery. The rest of the financing came as a long-term loan from the Community Development Fund.

Next Steps

1: Replenish working capital after bad flour purchase
2: Tricycle to aid in distribution

Page Last Updated: August 19, 2024